Where are the program options?

The program options that you may be used to finding on a Tools menu have been well hidden in WLMail 2011/2012. There are several ways of accessing them:
Nondescript button

The nondescript button giving access to some functions. The Quick Access Toolbar is above it.

  1. Click the nondescript button¹ to the left of the Home tab. On the menu that opens, select Options and then Mail.
  2. Click the nondescript button¹ to the left of the Home tab. On the menu that opens, select Options. Right-click on Mail and select Add to Quick Access Toolbar (QAT). This will put a button for one-click access to the options sheet on the QAT in the top left-hand corner of the window. Hover over it; it’s called Mail.
  3. Use accelerator keys: press Alt, then F O M. Or, if you did (2), press Alt, then n if the Mail button is the nth from the left on the QAT.
  4. My favourite: the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-O for Options.

1 This button has acquired the label File in Windows 8, 8.1 and 10